Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, Collage of Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, MOUAU
E-mail: ekweanya.ndidiamaka@mouau.edu.ng
To cultivate and deliver services that will add effective value to the academic world globally. As to give a comparative merit to today’s e –driven teaching and learning experience and to utilize my in-depth knowledge of agricultural extension communication to systematically implement development in the agricultural sector
Name: Ekweanya, Ndidiamaka Martha
Place of Birth: Kumba, Cameroon
Sex: Female
Marital Status: Married
State of Origin: Anambra
Nationality: Nigerian
Present Status: Lecturer ll
Department/Unit: Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, MOUAU
Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike 2014-2018
Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike 20011 – 2014
Enugu State University of Science and Technology 1998-2002
Presbyterian Secondary School, kumba 1992 – 1998
SSCE 1990- 2000
SSCE 2000 -2001
Ph.D (Agricultural Extension Communication) 2018
M.Sc (Agricultural Extension Communication) 2014
B .Agric. (Agricultural Economics and Extension) 2002 (Second Class Honours, Upper/Division 21)
Senior School Certificate 2001 -2001
2019 Certificate of Participation At The 2nd All Africa Postharvest Congress And Exhibition Which Was Held ON 17-20 September, 2019 at the African Union Commission, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
2019 Certificate Of Attendance Of Rural Security And Sustainable Food Production In Nigeria: Challenges And Solutions Held On August 13-16 2019 At Michael Okpara University Of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State
2019 Certificate of Participation at The Second Edition of World Environmental Conservation Conference Held on 5th -8th June,2019 At The Federal University Of Technology, Akure
2018 Certificate of Participation of Annual Conference of Agricultural Extension Society of Nigeria, (AESON) University of Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria
2018 Certificate of participation of workshop on Web 2.0 tools for Effective Agricultural Advisory Services Delivery (NIFAAS) Held at Fadama House, Abuja, Nigeria
2018 Certificate of participation of workshop on Training of Trainers Workshop on Youth Entrepreneurship and Mentorship for Effective Agricultural Advisory Services Delivery (NIFAAS), held at ADP Centre llorin, Kwara State, Nigeria.
2018 Certificate of Participation of Workshop on Capacity Building on Gender for Effective Agricultural Advisory Services Delivery (NIFAAS) held at ADP Centre llorin, Kwara State., Nigeria
2017 Certificate of Participation of Annual Conference of Agricultural Extension Society of Nigeria, (AESON) University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State
2017 Certificate of Participation of Annual Conference of Rural Sociology of Nigeria, (RUSAN) Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike, Abia State, Nigeria.
2016 Certificate of participation of Annual Conference of Agricultural Extension Society of Nigeria, (AESON) University of Ibadan ,Oyo ,State ,Nigeria.
2016 Certificate of participation of Annual Conference of Agricultural Society of Nigeria (ASN) Umudike, Abia State ,Nigeria
2016 Certificate of participation 1st Annual Conference of Society for Community and Communication Development Research, (SCCDR), Umudike, Abia State..Nigeria
2016 Certificate of Participation on 2016 Climate Impact Research Capacity and Leadership Enhancement (CIRCLE),MOUAU.
2016 Staff Institutional Strengthening Programme: Maiden Induction Programme for MOUAU.
2014 Certificate of participation of Annual Conference of Agricultural Extension Society of Nigeria, (AESON) Federal University of Technology ,Owerri ,Imo state ,Nigeria
Communication Skills and Proposal Writing Workshop, Held at MOUAU 2018
Digital Bridge Institute – International Center for Information /Communication Technological Studies – 2015
Academic Leadership, Competence /Work Attitude for effective and efficient lecture delivery -2015
Adaptive Advanced Digital Appreciation – For Tertiary Instructions -2014
Post held in school
2000 -2001 National Asssociation of Agricultural Economics and Extension Students (NAAEES) (Vice – president)
Awards: Women of destiny award as vessel of honour by the apostolic church Nigeria, Umuariaga Distrct – 2017
The only female among five males who graduated with a Second Class Upper Division in Agricultural Economics and Extension From a class of sixty students
CY Farms Abakiliki (Industrial training) 2001 -2002
Osundu Agroemicals (lndustrial training part two) 2001 -2002
Jajere local government ,Area . Yobe State, Local Government Area 2004 -2005
Position: National Youth Corper (NYSC)
1. Graduate Assistant : Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, MOUAU – 2011- 2014
2 Assistant Lecturer : Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development , MOUAU 2014- 2018
3 Lecturer II: Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, MOUAU 2018-Till date
Responsibilities – Lectures courses assigned
– Carries out Research
– Supervises students’ projects
– Supervises B. Agric. SIWES programme
– Invigilates examinations
– Marks and records scripts
– Computes results
– Member of Departmental committee
COC member RUSAN Conference MOUAU 2017
100 -500 Levels Exam Officer 2011-2018
Welfare Officer Rural Development Post Graduate Seminar 2016– 2018
Students Staff Adviser 2011– till date
CAE 422 SIWES Coordinator 2016 – 2017
Deputy CAE 422 SIWES Coordinator 2017 -2019
Welfare officer, LOC of 2019 conference of SCCDR held on
August 13th – 16th, 2019, MOUAU 2019
Public Relation officer, LOC of 2016 conference of SCCDR held on
August 16th – 18th, 2016, MOUAU 2016
1. Agricultural Extension Society of Nigeria (AESON)
2. Society for Community and Communication Development Research (SCCDR)
3. Agricultural Society of Nigeria (ASN)
4. Rural Sociological Association of Nigeria (RUSAN)
5. Member Nigerian Rice Farmers Association, Abia State Chapter
6. Nigeria Forum for Agricultural and Advisory Services (NIFAAS)
7. Member women in science association of Nigeria, Umudike chapter
8. FARA Regional Agricultural Information & Learning System Community.
9. African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS)
10. Nigeria Environmental Action/Study Team
11. Nigeria \Environmental Conservation Organization ( NECOR)
12. Community of Farmers Fields Schools Global Platform D- Group
* COC member RUSAN conference.
* LOC member SCCDR conference.
* Member, College Board (CAERSE)
* Member, Departmental Board, Rural Sociology and Extension (RSE)
* Member Agricultural Extension and Rural Development Departmental internal Revenue Generation Scheme
* Member Agricultural Extension and Rural Development Departmental Entertainment Committee
* Member Agricultural Extension and Rural Development Departmental Welfare Scheme
1. Society for Community and Communication Development Research ( SCCDR) Conference held Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, 13 th-15th , August ,2019
2. Monitoring and Evaluation Training with Feed the Future Nigeria Agricultural Policy Project, Sponsored by USAID,31ST July,2019
3. Second Edition World Environmental Conservation Conference,5th -8th June,2019,FUTA,Akure,Nigeria
4. Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Academic Mentoring seminar April (2019)
5. The Capacity Building Thematic Area of Organic Agriculture Practitioners Nigeria ( Organic mushroom production) NOAN,2019
6. Comunication skills and proposal writing workshop held at Okpara university of Agriculture, 2018
7. 24 th Annual Conference of Agricultural Extension Society of Nigeria, (AESON) University of llorin 2018
8. NIFAAS Gender capacity building workshop held at llorin ,2018
9. NIFAAS Youth Entrepreneurship and Mentorship Workshop held at llorin ,2018
10. NIFAAS lCT ,2018 workshop on Web 2.0 tools for Effective Agricultural Advisory Services Delivery 2018
11. NIFAAS Gender capacity building workshop held at llorin ,2018 21st Annual Conference of Agricultural Extension Society of Nigeria, (AESON) Owerri ,Imo State,Nigeria.
12. 23 rd Annual Conference of Agricultural Extension Society of Nigeria, (AESON) University of PortHarcout, Rivers State 2017
13. 22 th Annual Conference of Agricultural Extension Society of Nigeria, (AESON) University of Ibadan 2016
14. Annual Conference of Agricultural Society of Nigeria (ASN), National Root Crop Research Institute, Umudike,2016
15. 2016, Climate Impact Research Capacity and Leadership Enhancement (CIRCLE) Institutional Strengthening Programme: Maiden Induction Programme held on 17th-18th October 2016 for MOUAU Staff.
16. 2016, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Sensitization Programme held in Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike.
17. 2016, International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility and Community Development by Society for Community and Communication Development Research (SCCDR) held on 16th-18th August, 2016 in Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike.
18. 2016 , Training and Re-training of some Academic Staff of the University (MOUAU) on Result computation and use of Result Template.
1. The Role of Extension Services in Combating Deforestation in Ezeagu Local Government in Enugu State ,Nigeria (undergraduate project)
2. Assessments of Climate change Effects on Arable Crop Production in Anambra State, Nigeria (M.Sc. Thesis)
3. Analysis of Effectiveness of Transfer and Utilization of Odourless Cassava Fufu Flour Processing Technology and Utilization Among Rural Women in South East Nigeria.( Ph.D Dirsertation )
1. Ekweanya, N. M. Bassey J., Aboh, J. A., Ibeawuchi, B.O. and,Okringbo J.I, (2019). Analysis of Access and Use of Information and Communication Technology among Pig Farmers in lmo State, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Agriculture, Food and Environment
2. Nmeregini, Daniel.Chinomso;.Nzeakor Felix Chibueze; and Ekweanya Ndidiamaka Martha. (2019) Non – Farm lncome Generating Activities of Rural Households in Abia State, Nigeria Journal of Agricultural Extension,[S.I], 23v,.n,4,pg.48 – 57,OCT.2019.
3. Obike, K. C, Ebe, F.E, Idu ,M.A., Ekweanya, N. M. and Adilieme, C.C. (2019) Effects of Agricultural Credit on Productivity Differential of Farmers in Abia State, Nigeria, Journal of community and communication research ,ISSN:2635-3318,Vol 4,No 1June.2019. pp, 46 -52
4. Nmeregini.D.C, Nzeakor, F. C. and Ekweanya, N. M, (2019) Household Waste Disposal Behavior and the Environmental Health Implication among Rural household in Ikwuano Local Government Area in Abia State, Nigeria. Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Economics, Extension and Science JAEES, Vol 5
5. Ekweanya, N.M. , Ugboaja, C.I and Ifenkwe, G. E. (2019) Gender- Based Violence Prevalent Among Farming Households In Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Economics, Extension and Science JAEES, 5 (1):1O8 – 114
6. Nwachukwu,I, Okringbo J.I,Ukohol ,F,Y and Ekweanya, N.M (2019)Environmental Degradation Impact Management intervention by Shell Petroleum Development company (SPDC) in Abia State, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Economics, Extension and Science JAEES, 5(1): 164 – 170
7. Ekweanya, N.M., Mbah, G.O.,Odoh, J.S. and Nwankwo, U.B.(2019).Contributions of Social Media Application on the Academic Performance of B-Agric Students of Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike, Abia State, Nigeria. International Journal of Applied Research and Technology. 8(1): 25–33.
8. Mbah, G.O., Ekweanya, N. M. (2019) Analysis of Utilization of Traditional Medicine for the Treatment of Malaria among Rural Farmers in Abia State, Nigeria, International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IJEAB) 4 (2):
9. Mbah, G.O., Ekweanya, N.M.; Kalu, . P.O (2019) Access of Traditional Medicine for the Treatment of Malaria among Rural Farmers in Abia State, Nigeria International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IJEAB) 4(2) ISSN: 2456-1878
10. Offor E.I., Ekweanya N.M. and Oleka A.C.(2018) Effects Of Socio-Economic Factors On Small Ruminant Production In Ohafia Agricultural Zone Of Abia State, Nigeria, Agro-Science Journal of Tropical Agriculture, Food, Environment and Extension 17(3) 7-11, ISSN 1119-745
11. B.A.Ahamefule,C,O.K.Igwe, E. I., Offor, N. M., Ekweanya and V.C Onyeama (2018) Profitability and Operational Efficiencies of Cocao Marketing in Abia State, Nigeria. Nigerian Agricultural Policy Research Journal 4: 65-75 Print ISBN ;NO 2536-6084.
12. Ekweanya N. M. and Mbah.G.O.(2018) Factors Influencing Homestead Farming in Umuahia south Local Government Area,Abia State ,Nigeria. The International Journal of Humanities and Social Studies ISSN:2321- 9203 Volume 6 lssue. www.theijhss.com
13. Ekweanya N.M and Mbah.G.O, Ifenkwe, G. E. (2018) Contribution of Farmer Cooperative To Arable Crop Production in Umuahia North Local Government Area,Abia State ,Nigeria. The International Journal of Humanities and Social Studies 6(2): 204-208. ISSN:2321- 9203 Volume issue. www.theijhss.com
14. Ekweanya, N.M, Iyang,N.U and Okiringbo,J.I ( 2017) Factors Affecting Farmer’s Adoption of Coping Strategies of Climate Change in Anambra State,Nigeria. Journal of Community and Communication Research ( JCCR) ISSN (Online):xxx-xxxx,,ISSN ( print):xxxx-xxxx Volme 2 No 2 December,2017 Acessble online at :http ;//www.jccr.ng
15. Igwe, C.O.K, Olojede,J. and Ekweanya,N .M (2017). Knowledge ,Attitude And Practice Of Extension Agents Towards The Use Of Ict For Service Delivery In Abia ,State,Nigeria.Nigerian Journal of Agriculture,Food and Environment.13(1);170 – 173
16. Nwankwo C, Godswill, Nwaobiala C .Udo, O.O Ekumankama and Ekweanya .Ndidiamaka (2017) Analysis of Perceived Effects of Climate Change and Adaptation Among Cocoa Farmers in lkwuano Local Government Area of Abia State, Nigeria. ARPN Journal of science and tec1
17. Mbah.G.O, Ekweanya N.M and Ernest,C. (2017) Assessment Of The Level Of Participation of Women in Community Development in Ehime Mbano Local Government Area, lmo State, Nigeria. International Journal of Applied Research and Technology. 6 (1): 32 -37 . ISSN 2277 – 0585
18. lfenkwe ,G.E and Ekweanya, N.M ( 2016) Adopting Ecological Farming Techniques for Households Food Security and Natural Balance in Nigeria. International Journal of Applied Research Technology
19. Izuogu C.U, Ekweanya N.M, Inyang N.U (2016) Conceptual Framework For the Study of the Effects of Evironmental Hazard on Health and Productivity of Rural Dweller
20. Ifenkwe G.E. and Ekweanya N.M (2016). Adopting Ecological Farming Techniques for Household Food Security and Natural Balance in Nigeria. International Journal of Applied Research and Technology. 5(2): 58–62.
21. Izuogu C.U , Ekweanya N.M & Ifenkwe G.E (2015)Assessment of Environmental Hazard effect on Agricultural Resources and Health Conditions of Rural Households in Imo State, Nigeria .global journal Biology, Agriculture and science 4(4): 20-25 ISNB NO:2319 -5584
22. Ekweanya, N. M (2015). Farmers’ Coping and Adaptation Strategies for Climate Change in Anambra State, Nigeria .International Journal of Applied Research and Technology. 4(6):8 -13
23. Ekweanya, N. M. and Ifenkwe , G. E. (2015). Farmers’ Perception of Effect of Climate Change on Arable Crop Production in Anambra State, Nigeria. International Journal of Applied Research and Technology. 4(6):39–44
24. Njoku, J .Okoli,.B.N and Ekweanya, N.M, ( 2014) Comparative Analysis of Adoption of Aquaculture Technologies by fish farmers in lmo Sate, Nigeria .International Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development. 17(1): 1671-1678. www.ijard.com
25. Obasi ,O and Ekweanya N.M ( 2013) The Role of Credit in Economic Development; the Nigerian Experience, International Journal of Agriculture and Ecosysterm Research
1. Ekweanya.N.M; Nwachukwu ,l .M and G.E Ifenkwe (2019) Assessment of Effectiveness of Extension Service in Transfer and Utilization of Odourless Cassava Fufu Flour Processing Technology Among Rural Women in Abia State,Nigeria.The 2nd all Africa postharvest congress and exhibition proceedings
2. Ekweanya,N.M; Odoh J.S ;and G.E lfenkwe (2019) Perception and Factors Influencing Building of Resilience and Mitigation Measures for Climate Change by Small Holder Arable Crop Farmers in Anambra State, Nigeria.proceedings of the 2nd edition of world environmental conservation conference ,5th – 8th June,2019
3. Okpokiri,C I,Ibeawuchi C.I,Ekweanya,N,M ( 2018)Effects of Population Growth on Food Security of Agric business Household in Ahiazu- Mbaise Local Government Area,lmo State,Nigeria ,proceedings of the second international conference on food security and hidden hunger ,Date: 8th – 10th October,2018
4. Ekweanya,N.M ,Omike,A, Ifenkwe,G.E and Apu,U ( 2017) Access and Use of Information Communication Technology Among Pig Farmers in Orlu Local Government Area Imo State Nigeria .Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Agricultural Extension Society of Nigeria 23rd -26th April,2017,ISSN :1595 -1421
5. Ayanwu, C.l, Agwu,N.M, and Ekweanya ,N.M ( 2016) Analysis of Processing and Value Addition Technologies of Root and Tubers Crop in Abia Sate Nigeria. Proceedings at the Nigerian ( ASN) Golden Conference tagged abia 2016 holding from 3rd to 7th October 2016 at National Root Crops Research Institute, Umudike
6. Onu, S. E, Ekweanya N M and Mbah G. O (2016). Analysis of access to credit among rural cassava farmers in Imo State, Nigeria. 1st Annual Conference Proceedings of the Society for Community and Communication Development Research held on August 16th – 18th 2016, MOUAU
7. Ekweanya N. M and Onu. S E. (2016). Effects and Communication Technology on Small-Scale Enterprises in Ikwuano Local Government Area, Abia State, Nigeria. 1st Annual Conference Proceedings of the Society for Community and Communication Development Research held on August 16th – 18th 2016, MOUAU
8. Mbah G .O,Ekweanya N.M and Igwe,C O.K. ( 2016) Analysis of Women Participation in August Activities in Enugu State,Nigeria. 1st Annual Conference Proceedings of the Society for Community and Communication Development Research held on August 16th – 18th 2016, MOUAU Pg 312- 318.
9. Ekweanya ,N.M ,Mbah,G.O., Igwe,C.O and Izuogu ,C.U ( 2016) Analysis of Impact of Homestead Farming in Sustaining Rural Household in Abia states ,Nigeria . 1st Annual Conference Proceedings of the Society for Community and Communication Development Research held on August 16th – 18th 2016, MOUAU Pg 142 – 147.
10. Igwe,C.O .K., Igwe,C.O, Ekweanya ,N.M ,Mbah,G.O., and Mgbasonwu,V.N (2016) Household Waste Generation, Disposal and management in Umuahia Metropolis ,Abia States ,Nigeria . 1st Annual Conference Proceedings of the Society for Community and Communication Development Research held on August 16th – 18th 2016, MOUAU, Pg 142 – 147
1. Ekweanya Ndidiamaka Martha and Ukoha ,Joy (2019). Contribution of Agricultural Entrepreneurship to Food Availability and Wealth in Nigeria; ln AGRIPRENEURSHIP: Road to Food Security and Wealth Creation in Nigeria
2. Ekweanya, N. M. (2015) Sustainable Organic Farming and Poverty Alleviation in Nigeria. In: Nwachukwu, I, O.O Ekumankama, G.E Ifenkwe, F.N Onumadu, M.N. B Agbaraevo, U. Apu, L. E Odoemelam and C. U Nwaobiala (eds). Contomporary Issues In Agricultural Extension Systems and Development. Departmental Book of Reading., Rural Sociology and Extension, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Nigeria. Pp 342-347.
3. Mbah O.O and Ekweanya, N. M. (2015) Contribution of Value Added Technology to Agricultural Development in Nigeria In: Nwachukwu, I, O.O Ekumankama, G.E Ifenkwe, F.N Onumadu, M.N. B Agbaraevo, U. Apu, L. E Odoemelam and C. U Nwaobiala (eds). Contomporary Issues I Agricultural Extension Systems and Development. Departmental Book of Readings, Rural Sociology and Extension, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Nigeria. Pp 342-34.
4. lfenkwe,G.E Ekweanya, N. M. (2015) Socio –Cultural Issues in livestock management in lgbo land ,Nigeria, Nigeria In: Nwachukwu, I, O.O Ekumankama, G.E Ifenkwe, F.N Onumadu, M.N. B Agbaraevo, U. Apu, L. E Odoemelam and C. U Nwaobiala (eds). Contomporary Issues In Agricultural Extension Systems and Development. Departmental Book of Readings, Rural Sociology and Extension, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Nigeria. Pp 342-347.
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